i wish there was some way to delete comments that arent actually reviewing the app. if you are here for a review, then here you go.....
i am a Logistics Coordinator for construction projects at one of the worlds busiest airports. simply put....I NEED THIS APP!!!!
my review is:
works as advertised and provided me with functionality i need on a daily basis. thanks for creating it. would never have thought to look for such an app. i literally stumbled across it. funny thing is i would have paid for it if it werent free.
as for all you idiots out there that are criticizing this app, heres some criticism for you....LEARN TO READ!!!! ITS CALLED HOOKED-ON-PHONICS!!!!! this is NOT a calendar, it doesnt show the date, it shows the numeric value for which week of the year it is. there is no where else to get that, except to manually count it out on a calendar or have to recall from one week to the next what it was the week before.
there are jobs out there like mine that dont care about month and days, but use week numbers to classify work activities.
lastly, if some moderator could delete all the comments from those who actually didnt use and review the app, id be greatly appreciative.
nkawtg about Week